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Conqueror's Blade (2019)
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RIFT (2011)
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Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


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Former Characters

Seaimpin de na Ulchabhan
Seaimpin de na Ulchabhan
  • GW2: oreofox.7824
  • ESO: @Oreofox
Posted On: 01/18/2013 at 07:06 PM
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So, as I was going through all my old notes for previous incarnations of my D&D campaign, I got reminded of an old character concept. One that I wish I remembered earlier as now I really would love to try playing it again.


It's a concept of a sorcerer from 3.5 edition D&D, after they came out with the Complete Arcane book. He was a human, or possibly half-elf, that was afraid of the dark. Talking about extreme phobia. So he specialized in light and prismatic spells, with some fire and electricity-based ones as well. To keep the darkness away. This character, unfortunately, only saw 2 play sessions. And this character was the inspiration for an integral part of my campaign world (me adding 4 extra elements: Life, Death, Light, and Shadow).


Another old character, this of my younger sister, from back in 2nd edition. A female human fighter, with Str 18 (97). She managed to stop a swinging axe pendulum trap with her bare hands, to let the other characters go through the hallway.


So, what are some of your old D&D characters that really stick out in your mind? Really wish I could have remembered that light sorcerer character. Of course, it would require some "custom" spells to make it work. And by custom, I mean spells I pulled out of 3rd party publisher material. Alas, he will probably stay in memory. Anywho... SHARE!

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 3Fellowship Rank 10Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 5Social Rank 7


Saighdiuir de na Faolchu
Saighdiuir de na Faolchu
Replied On: 01/19/2013 at 04:34 AM PST

The one Characther I played back in high school was a battle mage of some sort. I swear there were no rules to our campaign. I knew very little of D&D, but had a deep love of RPG and fantasy. That alone was enough to hook me. I played with three others during lunch. We played for 40 minutes every lunch. Our campaign was strange thinking back on it. One day we went into play and the DM had changed all our levels to like 455 and all our guys had crazy amounts of HP and the plot changed. When I think back on that, our characters were based on magical swords we aquired some how. Our GM proly just gave them to us. lol. I don't know. But there was very little limit to what could happen and it defied the laws of even a magical world based on fantasy. Physics were loosely based on the natural laws we all know. There was no need for travel, we seemed to zoom from one location to another. lol. Then a dragon would appear and killed our families then left before we could kill him. Then all the sudden our swords whisked us away somewhere else. lol. I played all that semester until I ended up with a girlfriend my Senior year. I then quit the group and spent time learning how akward I could be around girls. I met my DM 15 years later when I visited my parents. He was working a cash register at Wal-Mart. I said hello to him, he looked up at me not reconizing my handsome but more pudgy face and said hello like Wal-Mart had sucked the energy from him. Poor guy. Anyways, I digress. I have often thought of playing a good game of D&D but had no idea where to go. I work, have a family, and my current friends do nothing of the sort. I am so glad to have found Giascioch community who shares so many of the same hobbies and intrests as I do. Thank you Nash for setting up what looks to be like a very well thought out game. I am looking foward to playing with everyone. See you all on Tuesday night. :)

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 2Fellowship Rank 9Scholar Rank 3
Ban Fili de na Iolair Donn
Ban Fili de na Iolair Donn
  • ESO: @Ckemikal
Replied On: 01/19/2013 at 05:41 AM PST
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I had a kleptomaniac sorcerer. She would use Mage Hand and steal off everyone...and I do mean everyone. She managed to get the kings crown once. She also had an ability to turn into a mouse and would hide in someone's pocket during fights. During the fight she would steal off the baddies leaving her carrier wondering how they got so much stuff in their inventory. My friend a Golem character with a bad personality chip so he would roll a d100 to see what personality he would have that day.

"When you're always cold, sometimes you forget to put on your pants" ~Sakari, Winter's Bride
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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 12Explorer Rank 7Scholar Rank 5Artisan Rank 4Social Rank 6Mentorship Rank 3
Curadh de na Aracos Oráiste
Curadh de na Aracos Oráiste
Replied On: 01/19/2013 at 08:22 AM PST

the half elf ranger by the name silver wolf. ah silver wolf liked lighting people on fire with his firefly bow and watching them run around screaming....expecially if they were halflings he hated halflings.

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 7Fellowship Rank 10Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 1
Ridire de na Capall Donn
Ridire de na Capall Donn
  • GW2: wonderloss.7013
Replied On: 01/21/2013 at 11:37 AM PST
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I once had a greedy dwarf rogue. He was selfish, and would probably have sold his party members for enough coin. As a dwarf, he also hated goblins. However, he was the only party member that could speak goblins. At one point, we were trapped deep in a dungeon where there were two warring goblin factions. He tried to set up some sort of double cross that would result in the two tribes killing each other, but that failed. If he found treasure, he would put the party at risk to get to it. He would lie, cheat, and steal at any opportunity. My favorite story about him involves the time (after leaving the previously mentioned dungeon) when the party were seeking some information. They came upon a goblin village, hoping they could tell them what we needed. Despite the horrible results of the dwarf's previous attempts at diplomacy, he was allowed to speak to the goblins. It was agreed that he would go up ahead, and the rest of the party would stay back. If things went bad, the dwarf would give "the signal" and the wizard would unleash a fireball. The goblins did not have the information, but they were peaceful. The dwarf gave the signal anyway, and the wizard incinerated every goblin in the village. The party cleric would have nothing to do with either of them after that.

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 10Explorer Rank 1Scholar Rank 2Artisan Rank 6
Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
  • GW2: Briseadh.7386
Replied On: 01/22/2013 at 06:38 AM PST
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Well, considering I started table top gaming in 1980 there are a LOT of memories from 4 or 5 different games. ::chuckles:: So I'll make a quick list of craziest NPCs and characters remembered. Kobold army - organized, but who wants to be the one in the catapult into the melee "victim" and the lieutenants were marked with targets on their backs. Most hilarious NPC group to hook up with the players for some of a campaign. My figher who worshipped Nike and had some crazy protection on on her - we rolled character histories from an extensive book a friend had. So we run into some dude with a big magical sword, he does a critical hit on my character, but instead of hitting due to the protection the sword goes flaying off into the marsh somewhere. This character unwittingly wound up doing something that helped in flooding a cavern of evil by draining the lake by the city into it. ::chuckles:: My one play evil elf who found the sword Back Talker. AD&D rules here and 2nd edition. The DM randomly rolled everything for this one night of mayhem gaming. This character moved on to be in one of my own campaigns as an NPC. Call of Cuthulu - my bus driving, mechanic brute of a woman who lasted all of three sessions because something ripped her apart to be replaced by the crazy librarian who survived way more than you would have thought. Some great sessions in the two groups I played with this for awhile in the 90's. I did a lot more DMing from 1998 to 2002. Stil find it funny that my campaigns had more evil minded characters that always got things done right and then when I got to play with the mostly good minded crew we drained lakes, burned down stables and inns, etc. in the process of trying to save the day. =) Until I started up with Pathfinder through Khyote and Nash here, I had nearly a decade without table top style gaming. I like that it can be done over the internet now since I'm pretty rural and can't drive far alone.

Don't mess with Mama Bear, I might hug you too tight. =D
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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 13Fellowship Rank 20Explorer Rank 9Scholar Rank 12Artisan Rank 9Social Rank 8Mentorship Rank 3
Seaimpin de na Ulchabhan
Seaimpin de na Ulchabhan
  • GW2: oreofox.7824
  • ESO: @Oreofox
Replied On: 01/23/2013 at 07:14 AM PST
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This is probably one of the best uses of the internet. Being able to play table-top RPG again. And definitely happy about Pathfinder. And these characters you guys have mentioned have been pretty interesting to read about.

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 3Fellowship Rank 10Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 5Social Rank 7