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Sojourner's Travels

Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
  • GW2: Teflonna.5734
Posted On: 08/01/2012 at 09:03 AM
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Here is the start of a story I have yet to finish

Sojourner trudges along the dirt road lifting one foot and placing it in front of the other methodically, as if on autopilot. Another country road no different then the countless other country roads traveled on. For many months he has been traveling these winding country roads now. Dust dances up from the ground and kisses his face leaving it's mark. Something within compelled him to start this journey. A journey it has been too. Memories of all the villages and farms he had visited and the faces of those he met along the way flash through his mind, bringing a smile to his parched lips and a spring to his step. He catches glimpse of a robin flying by carrying a long wiggly worm for chirping young, in a nest tucked in the branches of the apple tree nearby waiting eagerly with beaks open. Off in meadow beyond the apple tree deer, tall, majestic and serene grazes, looks up and darts away quickly and silently.

On the other side of the road just beyond the stone wall, He sees a farmer coaxing his horse forward whilst he plows his field. The rich dark soil being turned over and loosened up in preparation for planting. Ahhh, yes sojourner thinks as he breaths in deeply, and smiles. His father taught him well to appreciate the smell of good soil. His mind flashes back to being but a wee lad, running through the fields barefoot. The warm summer rain falling, the squish of wet soil between his toes and the freedom that he felt as he ran winding his way between the rows of well tended crops. Good soil is a farmer's gold that assures his crops will yield a bountiful harvest and earn him top dollar at the market. He remembered the joyous fall festival, the great thanksgiving feast his village held every year. Thoughts of his mother's fresh baked apple pie made his mouth water.The music and laughter, the dancing and merriment went on til all hours of the night. At the break of dawn a lone minstrel would play a haunting melody closing out the celebration and all would head back to their homesteads feeling satiated, looking forward to the next years celebration

Sojourner takes this all in and continues on his journey looking forward to what awaits him. Could it be around the next bend in the road? Could it be over the next hill or just beyond the horizon? Where would his next adventure begin? There always seemed to be a purpose a reason for his travels. He never really knows what the reason is until he stumbles upon it or it is made known to him as circumstances played out. But his life has been made deeper, richer for having been there. Wisdom gained from these experiences inspires him to press on,travel on. Never knowing when or where he ultimately is going to end up. Looking forward also to who he might meet along the way. These thoughts intrigue and excites his mind. As he thinks of all that had happened in the past . How he had been stretched out of his comfort zone at times to do what he had not dared to try before. Each time, as hard as it had been, it was all worth it in the long run.

He eyes a stream, a babbling stream with water playfully dancing amongst the rocks and heads toward it.Refreshing sight to this dusty traveler indeed. He cups his hands and drink the fresh cold water and is lips are parched no more. he scoops up more water in his cupped hands and splashes it on his face and drips off his chin and down on to his chest. He laughs heartily to himself,turns to face the sun letting it warmth dry his skin. A soft breeze gently blows across his face. plenty of food in his knapsack , fresh water from the stream and sun warming his face. He looks around and is happy with this location. All the necessities for a good camp found right here and then some. The sweet fragrance of flowers wildflowers growing and of course the babble of the water nearby. What a lovely spot to be in. He savors with delight this smorgasbord of senses and decides to linger in the moment. He looks around and finds a soft grassy patch. as he sets down his pack, stretches out on the grass and lies down he is lulled into a tranquil rest.

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 10Fellowship Rank 13Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 4Social Rank 6


Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
  • GW2: Teflonna.5734
Replied On: 08/01/2012 at 09:04 AM PDT
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He looks around and finds a soft grassy patch. as he sets down his pack, stretches out on the grass and lies down he is lulled into a tranquil rest.The soft breeze slowly, gradually turns hot and dry as the sun shines more directly on his face. Rolling over his face feels the course texture of sand against it, which causes him to stir and wake . blinking from the glare of the hot sun above slowly trying to open his eyes, he is confused by what he now sees. Gone is the grass, the babbling stream and the apple trees. Gone is the sweet farm smells and wildflowers. In it's place all he can see for miles and miles around is sand. Above a bright blue cloudless skies and a hot sun bears down on him with it's scorching rays. Stumbling to his feet and trying to get his bearings he wonders, how did I ever get to this place? More importantly how do I leave it? The only sound he could hear was rapid beating of his heart. He loosened his shirt and tried to relax while he scoped out the area for a course of action. There was no obvious exit route, no path or trail to follow. no signs that anyone had ever been in this location before.Though this place looked strangely familiar , he did not really know or understand why. There were no trees to provide shade or streams with cool water to drink from, only sand. Sand that rippled like the oceans waves at the mercy of the hot breeze flowing over it. Once again his lips began to feel parched and his throat dry. He reached for his skin of water in his knapsack, but oddly enough,there was no knapsack. Even stranger, he thinks. Never would I travel without my provisions or water. Slowly falling to his knees in thought, wondering whatever shall he do he slumps to the ground to collect his thoughts. He rolls over on his back with the sun baking on his face, and the warmth of the sand on his back as he closes his eyes wishing he was by the stream's edge so that he could feel the refreshing drops of water again on his face, running down his chin and soaking his chest. He could actually feel what that would be like the cool droplets of water Drip dripping on his face. He moves his hand as if by instinct to wipe the excess water away, He turns over on his side and then splash ! He is soaked from head to foot. He wakes with a start and finds he has rolled off the edge of the bank into the stream. He jumps to his feet and realizes it was that dream again . Or should he say nightmare. It seem to come upon him at the oddest of times but was always the same. The sandy barren windswept terrain and the blazing sun. The isolation and loneliness and worse then that lack of provisions. He had no idea why this happened. Relieved he falls back into the water with a loud crash , sinking into the water with a new appreciation for its cooling affect. then he burst out of the water and shaking his hair wildly sprays water drops all around, he wades to the shore and out on to the ground. Relieved to be back in this pleasant spot, Sojourner walks over towards his knapsack whistling to himself a tune he was taught by his Uncle Henry. A quaint little ditty that called back to mind many a fishing trip he and Uncle Henry enjoyed. During those long hours of sitting, fishing poles in hand lines in the water what else was there to do but talk and whistle tunes together.Opening his knapsack and rustling around for his flint and knife he grabs them and heads toward the fallen trees in on the other side of the road and cuts enough for a good fire. Along the way back he stoops over to pick up twigs and dried leaves holding them carefully in a folded handkerchief , tinder to start the fire. Placing them in neat piles , and dropping his knife and flint next to them he heads to the river to gather stones to make his fire pit. he wades into the water,dips his hands in slowly moving them to the bottom and feels around for the smooth stones in the muddy bed. His fingers could feel the soggy decaying leaves little bits of twigs and slippery green plants growing just below the surface of the water. There were many rocks to be found, as well as long sharp edged fresh water mussel, which would be a welcome addition to his dinner. As luck would have it , he found practically a dozen mussels in that one spot. He hauled up many stones and carried them to the water's edge. A couple more stones, Sojourner thought, and he would have enough. He reaches his hand in the water one more time. His hand feels something smooth and sharp edged and he lifts it out of the water expecting it to be another mussel but it was not. It had a slight glitter to it and really was much harder then any mussel should be . There was no seam where the two shells meet. He loosely clasped his hands around the object , reached back into the water and with back and forth motions rinsed off the mud. When he brought the object up out of the water, the sunlight reflected off of it refracting into rainbows cascading around him. His lips parted with a smile. Me thinks an adventure is about to unfold . He stares at the object, at the rainbows and wonders what this is and how it got there. With a gleam in this adventurer's eyes, he clutches this crystal like object, walks over to his knapsack and opens it. Reaching down inside , he withdraws a deep amber colored velvet pouch. A pouch that is the keep of his prized possessions. They were few and somewhat ordinary to most folk but to Sojourner they were priceless treasures .There was an especially smooth rock he picked up on his travels that seemed to fit the comfortably in the palm of his hand. His most prized possession is the gold chain and locket that his Mom used to wear all the time. It lay beautifully on her shapely neck and she received many compliments about its unique design. It was handmade by someone her Father who was an expert craftsman and maker of fine jewelry. Sojourner's eyes well up as he recalls the night she died . So unexpectedly , so tragically.when he was but a wee lad. He remembers quietly slipping into her room to see here before they took her away. Sobbing and clutching her cold frame as he wondered what ever he was going to do without his Mum. He looked away from her face. hard to see it so lifeless, so pale and without it's usual warm smile. He glanced at the nightstand at something that glimmered and caught his eye. It was the locket and necklace. He swiftly grabbed it and buried it deep in his pocket. He turned and looking at her beautiful face one last time, carefully bent over and kissed her cold cheek and then vanished out of the room before anyone found him. No one ever knew what had happened to the necklace. They all assumed it must have been stolen and Sojourner let it them think that and told not a soul about what had really happened to it. He was glad to have something special of his Mom's that he could hold onto , take out and admire when memories of life with this dear sweet woman started to fade. He loosens the braided draw string and carefully drops the crystal object in, then pulls the draw string closed.He places the pouch back in his knapsack with plans on inspecting this crystal item after dinner. He then removes his spare set of clothes and head s towards the thick treed area to change. It felt good to get out of those wet muddy clothes he thought as he walked to the water's edge and carefully rinsed out his clothes and then twisted them to release the extra water which dripped out onto the grassy ground below. Unfolding them and spreading them out he hangs the wet cloths on the branches of the nearby bushes and then proceeds with setting up the fire pit and then building a fire for the evening's meal.

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 10Fellowship Rank 13Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 4Social Rank 6
Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Buí
  • GW2: Teflonna.5734
Replied On: 08/01/2012 at 09:04 AM PDT
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  • Extra-Life

A crackling fire, a full stomach and a soft pleasant patch to set camp for the night. All is good Sojourner thought with a smile as he surveyed his handiwork. The tent fit snugly below the low branches of the weeping willow tree. This would be protective spot from the elements he surmised But one look at the still clear blue sky with wispy white clouds would tell anyone that rain was not about to happen. At least not today or tonight. The warm late sun rays played across the grass. Day's last dance before dusk tapped its shoulder and stepped in for the the next song. The sweet stillness of the hour as all nature seemed to be preparing for evening was upon him. Animals scurrying to their nests or dens, flowers folding gracefully and frogs croaking in the distance. The hoot of an owl could be heard from the tops of one of the distant trees. Sojourner enjoyed the this time of night. He welcomed the oncoming dusk and enjoyed watching the blue skies deepen and darken to a blue-black hue. He liked to scout the skies for that first glimmer of twinkling light from the first star of the evening. At home there would be others to race against to find that star and enjoy it with. Thoughts of many a warm dusk sitting on the porch with kin, enjoying conversation and the stars float through his mind. all memories that kept him company during this long journey.The sparks in the fire snapped and danced playfully, as he stared through them picturing where he would be sitting on the porch, who would be there and all that was said during these visiting times.

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 10Fellowship Rank 13Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 4Social Rank 6