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Nov 20th Raid Review - All Input Welcome

Ban Fili de na Iolair Corcra
Ban Fili de na Iolair Corcra
  • GW2: Soren.9316
Posted On: 11/20/2015 at 09:10 PM
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Hey all! I figure this would be a good thread to talk about how everyone did and to offer suggestions, tips, strats & vids for this past Friday's Raid. I'd like to know how team balance worked and if you think any changes are necessary. Also would be nice to get everyone to let us know how you felt the raids went :D

Team 2 - Witty Catchy Name
Team 2 -Witty Catchy Name 2
Team 3 - The Killer Quaggans


My thoughts.

Overall I thought it went pretty decent from a logistics point of view. Right off the bat we had to do a quick makeshift team make up due to people dropping Friday afternoon. After about 5-10 minutes we had 3 teams sorted and most of us were in the Raid instance by 6:15pm. Special thanks to Sekk for putting up with me as I ping-ponged him across two teams and extra thanks to Smitty for agreeing to raid with Team 1 to give us the needed 10 players. I will work at having a contingency plan for next week and try to communicate better the signups and making sure those that signed up during the raid window - up until 6pm Thursday - will get first dibs. I'll also work toward keeping teams together as best I can. Not sure there is much else I can do though to make that sign up better.

The raid itself:

First off, I completed derped and never had a chance to set up my twitch or get a recording going. I will make sure that is done for next week as I do think vids are excellent for seeing where we can improve.

Our team worked pretty well together from a personality perspective. We fought the trash at a decent pace so everyone that had not had a chance to get into the fight could take a look at the mechanics of each boss and get ourselves grouped accordingly. I split the group into 5 main dps & 5 distributed magic runners (I know only 4 are needed but the 5th is just to ensure we always have 4 in case of a bad spawn.) This Strat seemed to work out well and I only ever noticed us getting wiped if we had unlucky spawns - had one right at the red pylon, with a seeker and teleports on it.  Normally though the group had fantastic seeker control and they didn't seem to cause to much of an issue unless a knockback was missed. That said I think I might try only running with 4 circle runners and see if that will help our dps a bit.

Melee needs to work on staying behind the boss and in very close proximity, only moving away when the boss turns or drops teleports. Also since our team lacks a druid we need to be aware of things that will help with group heals like skills/weapons/utilities. It might be worth me bringing my ele just for the water fields. I think that would also make life easier on our tank.

Dps was on the low side of things and I think if we can improve that it will help the team in general because we will be spending less time with seekers and distributed magic circles. Terafer was our tank and we started off a bit shaky while getting used to dodging teleports and what not but after he settled into a rhythm we were able to get to the 1st split. There were also a few times the boss would randomly drop aggro and I'm not entirely sure why (does anyone know if ranger pets can grab aggro?). It also didn't help that I forgot my guard had toughness accessories on and I was flip flopping aggro with Tera so I ended up swapping to my Reaper. Next week I will have that sorted. One thing we do need to work on is keeping our boss still unless our tank is dodging through out/of teleports but that is going to come from practice.

As far as communication went I think for Super Epic Fight Squad it went really well. Calls were going out for magic and ports, Terafer was calling when he was going to turn the boss and it didn't seem like people were afraid to ask questions, or offer suggestions for builds/skills/strats to try.


EDIT: Fixed Links

Last Edited on: 11/22/2015 at 08:38 AM
If you meet yourself on the testing track, don't make eye contact. Lab boys tell me that'll wipe out time. Entirely.
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Muintir de na Capall
Muintir de na Capall
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 12:58 AM PST

Hi, I was the tank for my party and I went with solder armor with staff, long bow and lynx. I mostly used my staff to give me extra healing on the vale guardian. When battling the vale guardian as long as me back was against the wall the vale guardian only attacked me and left the rest of the team free to run around and do damage freely. I most important thing to focus on for the vale guardian is getting to the circle when it appears and doing damage to the vale guardian should be everyone's last concern. Now why do I say this? because if you don't get to the circle well everyone will probably die.

(we never made it past the three mini bosses) So I watched a video of the 3 mini bosses as far as I could they took down green first, blue second, and red last. They had about four on green, five on blue, and one on red. Even tho they took down green first blue is the most important. I would guess that the people on blue were just making sure they would make it to the circle until green was taking down. I hope this helps.

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Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 04:17 AM PST

I was in the condi role with my Druid. Rabid Axe/Torch & Short bow. Although my gear needs work, this build works well. Even though this is a damage build, it is still a druid. Astral force is slow to come, but I can offer some off heals at times. Except for "red" phases, I can/did sometimes replace the short bow with staff to build Astal more quickly. As a damage dealer, the staff really only worked because of my hybrid gear though, it doesn't seem like a solid condi weapon.

Our Tank (ranger with fern hound) kited the first boss around. We did not put the boss against a wall, or anything. Trick to the first phase seemed to be, well green circles, but more anticipating the phase change at 66%. At phase change, condi dealers went to red, boon strippers went to blue, and a couple of power damage went to green. Same mechanics, smaller groups.

The third phase was the tricky one for us. While our last attempt was most successful, we didn't make it through the first breakbar phase. If we knew how many people, exactly, needed to be in the green circle, we could have left more people closer to the boss to apply more CC. It is a ways into the encounter, but we may just have to experiment with 4/5/6 in the green circle during that phase. The version of the boss hits like a truck!

Not that it was any real problem, but we found that revenants with Hardening Persistance gained enough toughness to sometimes pull the boss from the tank. 

» Edited on: 2015-11-21 04:18:11

» Edited on: 2015-11-21 04:20:07

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Devotion Rank 19Valor Rank 8Fellowship Rank 13Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 8
Seaimpin de na Capall Corcra
Seaimpin de na Capall Corcra
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 04:41 AM PST

I was in the Red group with Trace as tank, and as a Condi burn Tempest, I very much liked that the boss was mostly stationary.  Not sure I could do as much damage if it were being kited.

We had two Druids in our group and we had them knocking back the Seekers with Point Blank Shot (#4 Longbow) and Glyph of the Tides which helped manage them a lot better.

We too had an initial problem with toughness, but once we all know the magic toughness number the tank has, and to stay below it, we were right.

We also noticed the Seekers seemed to go for the closest target.

My build was this one (by Wooden Potatoes) and I very much like the burning damage it was putting out.  Mostly Carrion gear and the extra Vitality was definitely helpful.


Also, if anyone wants to raid again, Shameless Plug For My Raid :)

» Edited on: 2015-11-21 04:46:01

» Edited on: 2015-11-21 04:50:54

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Laoch de na Aracos Corcra
Laoch de na Aracos Corcra
  • GW2: Jay RF.8407
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 05:24 AM PST
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So I myself have not been in the raid yet except for in one pug group but i have read up on the first boss encounter a bit. Apparently the green circle requires 4 people to be in it and the red sparks(seekers?) need to be pushed back as much as possible. Revenant is good in the raid but the the Hardening Persistance trait needs to be looked out for as to not take aggro from the tank. That is all i can say for the fight right now, looking forward to trying it out next week.

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Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan Donn
Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan Donn
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 08:03 AM PST
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Here is a youtube link to Team Killer Quaggans entire 2.5 hours of the event. Although its from my perspective as melee DPS Herald so there is very little of the really mechanics visible as my only really job was making sure not to get portaled away and make his health bar disappear.


Overall I think our team definitely started out very well quickly though focus was definitely starting to be lost when we went over the 2 hour mark.


A few things we need to work on are:

  • Getting people comfortable talking to the rest of the team on voice comms. You would be surprised how much a bit of witty banter can relax people in the hectic world of raid mechanics. Also sometimes the caller misses something and speaking up can save the raid.
  • Try and save knockbacks for when forced to stand inside green circles, seekers can be kited around until your forced to stand still, this will reduce the sekeer damage taken by the green circle party and make the healers life easier.
  • Find ways we can increase our overall dps, the faster his health goes down the less green circles spawn, so the less likely we are to make a mistake. I was thinking that dps was something we could not worry about until we had the mechanics down and needed to beat the timer until I realized that lower dps means more cahnces to mess up so its important for mastering the mechanics also. Thinks like making sure to carry the traits that provide team wide buffs are a big one.

If Anyone wants help trying to squeeze more dps out of their build/gear/food let me know and I'll see what I can come up with.

» Edited on: 2015-11-21 08:16:12

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Laoch de na Iolair Buí
Laoch de na Iolair Buí
  • GW2: Sekkerhund.3790
  • ESO: @Sekkerhund
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 11:09 AM PST
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"Not that it was any real problem, but we found that revenants with Hardening Persistance gained enough toughness to sometimes pull the boss from the tank."

That's on me.  Well sorta, I wasn't expecting to run Tabitha last night, she was not "raid ready", I was using a 4 year old "paladin build", gear, etc.  I just quickly modified some traits on the fly, but gear-wise, she was in no way up-to-date, I didn't even have sigils until I bought one... ONE (but expensive, so I ran out of gold) from the TP.

The Rev pulling aggro with that proc, to cause a ping pong effect, might actually be a tactic to think about.  It's a tactic that we used to use a lot for Everquest raiding (not sure about you WoW or RIFT folks) and it's possible that we may need off-tanking and ping-ponging.

Unfortunately, until I get Tabitha in her new tank build, it won't be worth testing out.  (yes, I worked out a new Ranger tank build last night.  She'll be better, faster, stronger...  ;)  )

Generally, in most MMO raiding mechanics, classes are set, you don't have to switch classes or roles.  This is... different.  I'm not sure I care for the switching and swapping, it's very expensive, it's not reliable (people need to master their class, especially in a large group situation and that is hard if you are switching between several classes)...

So, we'll see.  Unlike most dedicated raiding guilds, our family is very high in the currency of patience and persistence and just having fun, so we'll get it all worked out.

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Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 04:47 PM PST

Hopefully, sticking with the dame groups should even out the need to change classes and/or builds often. That is, unless we are short on a critical part of the team, or someone is getting bored with their role. 


she was not raid ready - that was me, too. Although I had a decent build, my gear was all over the place. I have since fixed some of that, and have a backup DPS toon. 

If Jay is correct, and only 4 people need to stand in the circle, we will need to designate 4-6 for that purpose in Phase 3. With that, the other 4-6 can focus on that break bar. Hopefully, that wil be the end of the learning phase, and the last 2 phases will be more endurance/perserverance focused.

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Seaimpin de na Capall Corcra
Seaimpin de na Capall Corcra
Replied On: 11/21/2015 at 11:51 PM PST

Soren your link to the videos, the bottom two videos are contained within the same link.

Also, Gaspara's video of the raid I was in (Quaggans) is private sadly.... does it work for others?

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Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Buí
Replied On: 11/22/2015 at 05:58 AM PST

First link works for me, 2nd/3rd (same link) are private.

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Draoi de na Griobhta Bán
Draoi de na Griobhta Bán
  • GW2: Kitty.6219
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Replied On: 11/27/2015 at 04:05 PM PST
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The videos for Killer Quaggans is private and I cannot see it :(

» Edited on: 2015-11-27 16:05:49

"Be the player you want to meet".- Foghladha
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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 20Fellowship Rank 20Scholar Rank 6Artisan Rank 5Social Rank 8
Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan Donn
Caomhnoir de na Ulchabhan Donn
Replied On: 11/27/2015 at 06:07 PM PST
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Sorry, not sure how that video got to private, should be public now.


Unfortunately, due to being out of town and only having my laptop I will not be raiding tonight and thus cannot record it.

» Edited on: 2015-11-27 18:09:14

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