Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Throne and Liberty
Albion Online
Stardew Valley
Pax Dei
Dune Awakening
Conan Exiles
Guild Wars
Blood of Steel
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


137 Tuatha Guilds:
8,451 Members:
13,969 Characters:
11,709 Items:
  • Views: 5,606
  • Replies: 0

Gaiscioch Family Notes - February 2017

Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
  • GW2: Foghladha.2506
  • ESO: @Foley
Posted On: 01/26/2017 at 10:30 AM
  • Steam
  • PSN
  • XBOX
  • Twitch
  • Twitch
  • Twitter

Feabhra 2017


Cead Mile Failte!

What's this white stuff! I thought a few years back when we had like 4 inches of snow for 3 days it was the armageddon in Oregon. How naive I was to the fury of winter. This year we've had 10 snow days so far and Portland was even shut down completely for 2 days leaving the city like a ghost town. What an adventure! Needless to say I had a lot of indoor time to work on a bunch of little projects..


Get Involved


Gaiscioch Family News

Winter 2017 Gaiscioch Family Summit

It's that time again for our first 2017 Gaiscioch Family Summit. This quarterly look at the Gaiscioch Community outlines where we've gone over the past 3 months and covers some of the things we're involved in. Join me February 4th at 5PM Pacific for this quarter’s summit.


  • New & Updated
  • By The Numbers
  • Public Community Events
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Elder Scrolls Online
  • RIFT
  • Social Adventures
  • Magazine
  • Livestreams

Tune in the the Family Summit on:

Come Support the Family in RIFT

This is an official call to arms for all hands on deck (if you’re willing) for our upcoming Telara Saga kickoff event. As you know the first event often will either breed success or demise of a public community adventure. I would like to humbly ask all Gaiscioch members who are willing to download and install RIFT to do so and get through the tutorial zone. Once you’re out of the Tutorial Zone you will be able to take part in the festivities on February 2nd from 6-8PM Pacific.

Be sure to also join Gaiscioch in game by pressing Shift + G and searching for "Gaiscioch". There is no guild cap so you aren't taking someone else's seat. We're trying to get off the bottom of the second page and need a lot of characters to pull that off.

Even if you plan to uninstall the day after, your support in both joining the in-game guild and your attendance in the first event is very helpful. Please help make this a successful relaunch. Many of us have spent an insane amount of time polishing this up and getting us ready to launch our first public community adventure in 2 years.

Next up will be Guild Wars 2 with a relaunch of the Great Tyrian Adventure. Fortunately, with the new community events engine I built, it will be an easier transition as the site is already coded and I just need to apply a skin to the site.

Be sure to register for the Telara Saga by signing up for a Gaiscioch Passport which will also work on the Gaiscioch Magazine and Great Tyrian Adventure site by going to

Every person helps.

New Welcome Kit System

For years, I have tried to manage sending welcome kits to new players using nothing more than memory and my friends list. Over the past month I've built a new system that helps me track who we've sent welcome kits to and also makes a quick copy and paste version of my message for faster sending.

For those that are wondering what the heck i'm going on about. Our community since DAOC has put together small gifts to help early adventurers get started. In Guild Wars 2 and RIFT they come in the form of bags. Everyone needs more bagspace and at the start it is so limited it's almost painful. Between the 2 games I send between 20 and 50 bags per week.

This new system helps me see how many kits we're sending and it also keeps track of the names who have received welcome kits. The cool part is it will also show us how many of those characters eventually become members. It even shows me the date they received a welcome kit and the date they joined.  This should give some more visibility of how people are finding us and coming to join us.

The nice part is if I ever need to take a break from sending kits, I can have someone fill in for me and we'll be able to see who we've sent kits to in the past. I've never had the ability to share the age old tradition with others.

New Public Event Calendars

Being Gaiscioch is a community that thrives on running public events for all of a game community to enjoy, I've made it easier than ever to share our events with other. Each of our chapters now have an events link that will display the upcoming events marked as public.

Gaiscioch Family Promotions:

I wanted to take a moment to say congratulations to a few members this month for accepting their next credo and stepping into a new role in our family.

Guardians (Seaimpín)

The Gaiscioch Family Guardians are an advanced part of the Veteran Members group and serve as the front line of our family. They help newer members learn about the family, our website, and our belief system. They occasionally will need to help get conversations back on track, or report misdoing's to the family elders. They act as advisors, guidance providers, and overall protectors of the family name. By this time a member should be involved in the family for more than 6 months and has been an active attendee in family events. For those who prefer fellowship over leadership this is the last stop on the family tree. Members must prove their leadership ability to progress to the Leadership ranks through the accumulation of both Valor Points (Earned through leading events.) as well as earning Tokens of Valor from lower ranked members of the family.

  » Robdalf

Veteran Members (Curadh)

Veteran Members have proven their devotion to the family by participating in events and contributing to the family's success. They have been active more than 90 days and have continued to be contributing members to the family.

  » SonjaDarshan

Official Members (Lorgaire)

Official Members have earned the rank of Lorgaire and have accepted the Mark of the Kindred credo. They have officially decided to become members of the family and start their journey to ascend the roles of the Gaiscioch Family.

  » Cliodhna   » HGIELAK   » Medori   » MtDewd   » Norcobikezz   » Renera   » Yume

Gaiscioch By The Numbers

Guild Wars 2 264
RIFT 179
Elder Scrolls Online 170
Social Adventures 97
Total 599
Subscribers 4,773
Readers 23,738
Views 222,911
Twitch 544
YouTube 444
Twitter 726

Guild Wars 2 News

New Matchup Brings Map Queues and Full Squads to WvW

Holy people batman! This month we said goodbye to Fort Aspenwood and were relinked with Stormbluff Isle and Eredon Terrace. With this pairing we went from our squads being between 30 and 35 people at primetime to being 40-50. There have been a new set of trolls to ignore but other than that they seem pretty responsive. The good news is we get to fight alongside DOC who we've been facing off with for a while now. They’re a fun bunch and are very happy to see us on the battlefield with them.

The downside is that this pairing doesn't seem to have a server wide organization. It's a very every guild for themselves style setting. Their server teamspeak is rather vacant most of the time. So we're going old school in forms of communication. Find allies and stick with them.

Preparing for the Great Tyrian Adventure

It's time to start collecting prizes for the Great Tyrian Adventure. We are actively looking for Boxes/Bags of Armor, 18 and 20 slot bags, Exotic Weapons & Armor, Precursors & Legendaries. Send donations to Foghladha.2506. If anyone is looking to assist on a financial front, I would be happy to accept a gem card or two to add to the prize pile. I will be trying to get some prizes out of ArenaNet as well.

The next step for us is to plan the agenda. I would like to hold a Planning Meeting on February 11th at 3PM Pacific to brainstorm which bosses, activities, we want to target and get a tentative schedule of activities in place. If you would like to help out in planning our public community events be sure to type "+rank PCE" in the #Access-Requests text channel in Discord.

Please Welcome Our Newest Members

Please welcome our newest members to our Guild Wars 2 family.

  » Devic [Ravenflame.5890]   » Flashy []   » Flidais [mara huana.6710]   » LibellaStelar [EndlessMuse.5132]   » Mordrin []   » Rainingarrow []   » Shado [shadofrostmecha.9640]

Guild Wars 2 Events at a Glance

All Times Pacific








Top Guild Wars 2 News For January, 2017

  1. Guild Wars 2 - An Economic Evolution
  2. Player Reaches the Gold Cap in Guild Wars 2
  3. Guild Wars 2 - A Furtive Look Ahead at Story
  4. A Guild Wars 2 player has discovered the game’s gold cap
    Massively Overpowered
  5. Guild Wars 2 - The Decline of Build Diversity
  6. Guild Wars 2 player assembles massive season one movie
    Massively Overpowered
  7. Flameseeker Chronicles: Ten things I'd forgotten from Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 1
    Massively Overpowered
  8. The Tyrian Chronicle: 10 Guild Wars 2 Creatures We Want As Pets
  9. Guild Wars 2 has kicked off the Lunar New Year, hope you like roosters
    Massively Overpowered
  10. Guild Wars 2 Player Creates Massive Season One Movie


Special Telara Saga Preview Event Friday

January 27th 2017 at 3-4:30PM PT
Minimum Level: 48 |Location: Tempest Bay | Shard: Faeblight

Trion Worlds has given us the opportunity to livestream a short 1 hour preview event of the Telara Saga as part of their Livestream broadcast for PAX South. Join Gaiscioch in Tempest By on Faeblight at 3PM Server for a 1 hour run through a Great Hunt V, a Raid Rift, and a Stronghold with a small raffle following for all attendees and viewers.

Watch the Livestream from 3:30 - 4:30PM PT at:

The Telara Saga Kicks off Feb 2nd

As mentioned above every person counts. We'd love to see 100+ show up for this event. Our first event in the series is open to all levels and we can summon players to the battlefield of choice. With us pulling that many people into a single zone, things tend to get a bit crazy. Many never see it because packs of people don't travel together in those sizes but in days of old we could trigger zone invasions just by walking into a zone. RIFT scales content by the number of people that are present. A simple RIFT becomes an epic battle with the right number of people. Zone Invasions get amped up and hordes of minions assault. This is what we're trying to accomplish. The more bodies that are with us the more insane things get. Insane fights leave memories behind and that's what we're hoping to create.

Be sure to sign up for the Telara Saga at:

RIFT Raiding Fun Runs

Our weekly wandering with style fun runs have taken off and become a successful staple to our weekly activities. Seeing a bigger potential I've decided to open this up to the public as well and host these for all the people missing classic achievements. Each week we will form up in Tempest Bay on Faeblight at the steps near the major spawn point. I'd like us all to try to line up on both sides of the courtyard, all professional and snazzy like with our Raid Leaders on the Stairs. This will help coordinate groups and if we end up needing 2 raids we should be able to split our force easily.  For the fun runs I plan on keeping to the Classic Raids, T1 & T2 Raids.

DiableCanine (DC) is actively putting together a serious raiding force to take on T3 Raids and future SFP raids. DC's raid is on Wednesday Nights and he needs people ready to play. He has several slots open so be sure to connect with him. We will use the fun runs as a breeding ground for those.  My hope is to have our first dedicated raiding team up and running in the next month.

The fun runs will also introduce a lot of players to our community and with a little Gaiscioch Hometown Feeling, we can introduce people to a different side of raiding.

Join us Monday Nights at 6PM Pacific in Tempest Bay on Faeblight to join in the fun. We will be forming 2 raids to start with Gaiscioch splitting between the two. We will be bringing public in to fill the rest. We may even look into making use of the new Looking for Raid feature to help fill our gaps. If you are a player who is scared of Raiding, I encourage you to give it a try with us and see that it can be fun and friendly.

Dimensioneers Wanted!

For those who are dimension crazy or those who want to have access to the Gaiscioch dimension vault, we spawned off another Sub-Guild called Gaiscioch Dimensioneers. In this guild, we have a guild dimension warehouse (Search: Gaiscioch Dimension Warehouse) and 3 pages of a vault dedicated to Dimensions. To gain access to this guild create or move an alt who isn't played often into "Gaiscioch Dimensioneers" via the Guild Finder. Characters will be synced with our website and promoted according to Gaiscioch Rank. You will gain the ability to withdraw 2 more items from the vaults per day for each tier of ranks including New Member, Member, Guardian, and Warlord. We ask that if you take something, you replace something. For Decorations simply place them in the Guild DImension. For larger items please scale them down so people can see what they look like.

Gaiscioch Guild Vault Changes

With the launch of the dimensioneers guild warehouse we've freed up 2 pages of our guild vault. We are also trying to push people to use the marketplace to request items and materials.

  • Vault 1: Artifacts
  • Vault 2: Essence, Orbs, Minions, Recipes, Dyes
  • Vault 3: Level 65-69 Gear
  • Vault 4: Level 70 Gear
  • Vault 5: Wardrobe Item - DO NOT EQUIP. Take it out and place it back to unlock the wardrobe. You do not need to equip the item to get the skin.

Send unloved and unwanted Dimension items to Alaois for easy storage. Dimension items are not eligible for donation credit and will not be tracked. They will simply be gathered and placed in the vault for use by our members.

Learn more at:

Please Welcome Our Newest Members

Please welcome our newest members to our RIFT family.

  » Bluedreams   » Cissamione   » Devic   » Echiko   » Johnnet   » Killkannon   » Rararidit   » Renera   » Ryellie

RIFT Events at a Glance

All Times Pacific








Top RIFT News For January, 2017

  1. Fortress Siegestream – January 6, 2017 – 3:30 PM PST (11:30 PM GMT)
  3. RIFT Livestream Jan 13: The Balancing Act
  4. Fae Yule Snobuild WINNERS!
  5. RIFT INTREPID STREAM – Gyel Fortress: Jan 20, 3:30 PM PST

Elder Scrolls Online News


Need I say more! This system is pretty sweet and Gaiscioch is currently fundraising to get a Guild Hall in Tamriel. Verve is organizing the efforts and we are now accepting gold donations in increments of 1000 gold. For each 1000 gold you donate you will receive 100 contribution points. We will be needing millions of gold to pull this off so every gold counts.

Please send all donations to @verve to receive credit.

Please Welcome Our Newest Members

Please welcome our newest members to our Elder Scrolls Online family.

  » Bryckk [@Bryckk]   » Figs [@burnoutfigs]   » JaiantPanda [@JaiantPanda]   » MrPink [@mrpynk]   » Nano [@Nanoshade9597]

Elder Scrolls Online Events at a Glance

All Times Pacific






Top Elder Scrolls Online News For January, 2017

  1. Elder Scrolls Online - SPOILER: Reddit Dataminer Finds New Morrowind Location
  2. Rumor: Elder Scrolls Online players datamine map of Morrowind's Vvardenfell, hint at DLC
    Massively Overpowered
  3. Elder Scrolls Online - Housing in Homestead PTS
  4. Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online's Homestead player housing blew my mind
    Massively Overpowered
  5. The Elder Scrolls Online Homestead Launch Dates Announced
  6. Datamining Unearths Vvardenfell Map in The Elder Scrolls Online
  7. Elder Scrolls Online - Homestead to Launch on PTS on January 3rd
  8. The Elder Scrolls Online Homestead Arriving to PTS
  9. Elder Scrolls Online housing hits the test server tomorrow
    Massively Overpowered
  10. Elder Scrolls Online - Learn More About Homestead in PTS Patch Notes

Social Adventures News

Polling Interest

Some of you may have noticed the feature, others might have missed it. As new MMO's are announced that appear to be of interest to our community we begin polling interest. We have several games right now that we would like your feedback on. If you are interested in any of these be sure to click vote.

If any of these get above 250 votes we will be looking into it for possible chapter potential. Those that fall short will be included in our Social Adventure lineup.

Cozying Up To Ashes of Creation

I'm excited to report that we have found a title that actually lines up with our Chapter requirements on paper. It's still a long ways off but from the information we've gathered from their site, our interview in Gaiscioch Magazine (coming Feb 2017), and talking with their people, it looks to be the first game that A: targets both PvE and PvP with opt-in PvP. B: Supports massive gaming communities. It has everything from Raiding to Siege Warfare. The whole time having a consensual PvP system that doesn't allow griefing.

I've begun building relations with Intrepid Studios and hope to get our Pioneers into some pre-alpha testing. We won't know for sure until we go hands on but so far from everything that was said or read it looks to be the first full picture game we've seen come across the horizon.

I want to encourage you all to take a look at it yourself and if you find it interesting please vote for it on the poll on the Gaiscioch Homepage under the Social Adventure heading. The game will still need 250 votes before launch to qualify for chapter consideration so your votes matter. Give it a look and share your thoughts. Also be sure to stay tuned for our expansive interview with the Intrepid Team in our next issue of Gaiscioch Magazine.

If you would like to know more about Ashes of Creation visit:

New Adventures

Popular Adventures

Join a Social Adventure Today!

Gaiscioch Magazine News

Issue 12 Prepping for Release

This next issue is likely to be a pretty big one. We've got some great content coming our way including a full on interview with the team behind Ashes of Creation and an artist behind the collectable card game Fangold. We also talk with the esports community Omni Gamerz and EDM musician SizzleBird.

All in all this issue is shaping up to be a content rich issue with a full range of content from Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, and RIFT. As always if you have any ideas or want to write an article we'd love to have you share it with us. This magazine was born out of our desire to share knowledge with others. Whatever you would like to share we would like to publish.

Gaiscioch Passport

Be sure to register for a Gaiscioch Passport to gain access to all of our major public community events (Telara Saga, Great Tyrian Adventure, etc) as well as become eligible for upcoming weekly raffles. We are working towards building a collection of in game items and real world loot to stock our loot vault for the upcoming Gaiscioch Magazine raffle. You can also earn Experience Points which will help increase your rank by watching our livestreams and participating in community events.

The concept behind the passport is to give our community an outwardly focused face that allows all to enjoy some of the fun of being a Gaiscioch. It also allows us a single registration system for all non-internal events and sites we run. It will also allow us to build contact lists for future events.

Register for a passport and migrate your existing account by logging into with you login. Doing this the first time will migrate your account into a Gaiscioch Passport account. Then login and connect your various accounts (twitter, twitch, etc). Also be sure to fill out your community events info.

Be sure to check out our latest stories and gaming news at:

Gaiscioch Livestream News

February Episode Linup:

Slan Go Foill!
(Goodbye For Now)

Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley
Taoiseach de na Griobhta Glas

"It's not the loot and accolades you walk away with, it's the memories and friendships that you cherish forever." - Foghladha
Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 20Fellowship Rank 10Explorer Rank 12Scholar Rank 15Artisan Rank 8Social Rank 9Mentorship Rank 6