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Crafting Skill Line Passives

Saighdiuir de na Capall
Saighdiuir de na Capall
  • ESO: @NukeLaCoog
Posted On: 04/18/2014 at 08:41 AM
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I have been grinding away at crafting because....well, I get distracted by all the shiny mats in the world :)  I have been focused on woodworking, blacksmithing & clothing and have reached lvls 30, 27 & 26.  I wanted to get advice on where I should start focusing my points to get the best value per point.


  • Woodworking (9 Ranks) - Allows the use of [wood type].
  • Keen Eye – Wood (3 Ranks) -Lumber in the world will be easier to see within 20, 30 or 40 meters.
  • Lumberjack Hireling (3 Ranks) -A lumberjack hireling will send you wood and possibly other items every day.
  • Wood Extraction (3 Ranks) - Improves the chances of extracting woodworking ingredients.
  • Carpentry (3 Ranks) – Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of two items at once.
  • Resin Expertise (3 Ranks) - Increases the chances of improving items with resins.


  • Metalworking (9 Ranks) - Allows the use of ingots consisting of Iron, Steel, Orichalc, Dwarven, Ebony, Calcinium, Galatite, Moonstone, and Voidstone.
  • Keen Eye – Ore (3 Ranks) - Ore in the world will be easier to see within 20, 30, or 40 meters.
  • Miner Hireling (3 Ranks) - A miner hireling will send you ore and possibly other items every day.
  • Metal Extraction (3 Ranks) – Improves the chance of extracting blacksmithing ingredients.
  • Metallurgy (3 Ranks) - Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of two traits at once.
  • Temper Expertise (3 Ranks) – Increases the chance of improving items with tempers.


  • Tailoring (9 Ranks) - Allows the use of [cloth materiel] and [leather material].
  • Keen Eye – Cloth (3 Ranks) - Fibrous plants in the world will be easier to see within 20, 30, or 40  meters.
  • Trapper Hireling (3 Ranks) - A trapper and gatherer hireling will send you cloth, leather, and other possible items every day.
  • Unraveling (3 Ranks) - Improves your chance of extracting clothing materials.
  • Stitching (3 Ranks) – Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of two traits at once.
  • Tannin Expertise (3 Ranks) - Increases the chance of improving items with tannin and stitching.


Currently I have invested points in the first passives in each to advance to the next tier as well as a point in each to research 2 items at once.  I put one point into the Miner Hireling and it hasn't been much of a value yet.  I put one into Keen Eye - Ore because those Orichalc nodes are hard for me to see in the green swamps of Shadowfen.  Finally, I put one into Resin Expertise to better my chances, and lessen the amount of Turpen I have to use.

I am hoping to hear your experiences in this area and greatly appreciate any insight and advice you guys can provide.




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Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 9Scholar Rank 2Artisan Rank 3


Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
  • GW2: Briseadh.7386
Replied On: 04/18/2014 at 11:40 AM PDT
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My experience is that everything was worth maxing except keen eye.  One pick in that was enough to help for the oddball things that bled in more often then not - orichalc in shadowfen and ebony in cold harbor.

Once you get the research slot of any of the three maxed you even get a third slot at times.  I'm not sure how it worked because of the timing of my researches being longer when doing this in test, but I was definitey able to do 3 at a time fairly often.  The first point spent in this gives you the definite 2 at a time and a little discount on time with the discount increasing as you spend the other two points.

I would put the tannin/temper/resin expertise to max.  This saves a LOT in mats needed to enhance.  Once you have this maxed greens will only need 2 for 100%, 3 for blues, 4 for purple, 5 for gold.  (think purple comes before gold, but brain suddenly questions that HA)

I found the hirelings are a musing and they fixed a lot of bugginess with them in testing.  They should give better things as you rank them up.  More chances at enhancement materials as well.

The extraction one is obviously good - you get more stones and enhancing mats, let alone more refined items for raw mats usually (not quite 10 to 10 but closer than say not having this at all).  The ability to get more enhancement mats out of things seemed worth it to me.

Some of this is based on testing a blacksmith to max, but also seeing that it is smoothed out since testing with what I have managed to do so far.  Mostly one point in everything with only keen eye on the blacksmith due to the green and black ores I know of.  With a lot of the green in Shadowfen and the ebony in gray, dark Cold Harbor.

I know there are other crafters definitely higher than me already and further along that can surely share what they think, too.


Don't mess with Mama Bear, I might hug you too tight. =D
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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 13Fellowship Rank 20Explorer Rank 9Scholar Rank 12Artisan Rank 9Social Rank 8Mentorship Rank 3
Saighdiuir de na Capall
Saighdiuir de na Capall
  • ESO: @NukeLaCoog
Replied On: 04/19/2014 at 11:07 AM PDT
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Thank you very much for the info, exactly what I was looking for.  I am putting the tannin/temper/resin skills point in now and it makes a world of difference.  I didnt realize it cut the mats needed down that much.

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 9Scholar Rank 2Artisan Rank 3